7 Benefits of Yoga and Meditation at Work for Business Owners

Leveling up your business involves hard work, expertise, and a willingness to adapt to overcome challenges. But it turns out a business degree or decades in the corporate world aren’t the only solutions to improving your company and its employees’ experience. One offbeat suggestion for taking your business to the next level is to add yoga and meditation. Today, Conscious Living Physical Therapy explains the potential perks of these forward-thinking practices.


Less Daily Stress


Mindfulness is one component of both yoga and meditation that can reduce stress and help you keep a level head. The Harvard Gazette endorses mindfulness and meditation to cope with stress and calm the mind and body. Becoming more mindful doesn’t eliminate stress or magically improve life, but it may help you feel less frantic over business setbacks or challenges.


Increased Immunity


You already know that exercise can burn off steam, build muscle, and help you get healthier. But yoga offers a unique benefit you may not expect.


A review of research trials suggests that yoga supports immunity and reduces inflammation, Psychology Today cites. Since yoga is low-impact and doesn’t use equipment, it’s a simple way to defend against illness (and keep you from missing work).


Enhanced Focus


Mindful practices like yoga and meditation promote better focus, which is beneficial in all areas of your business. Being able to zero in on essential tasks and take care of business is an enormous benefit.


You can apply that excellent focus to organizational necessities that might otherwise slip past. For example, reviewing company finances with that heightened focus can help you find mistakes or discrepancies.


In addition, setting up your business structure and registering with the state checks legal and regulatory boxes. Learning how to start an LLC in New York takes some effort, but an online formation service can help, and it’s definitely a worthwhile move for tax benefits and asset protection.


Improved Discipline


Practicing yoga and meditating involve different types of discipline, but both are helpful ways to train your body and mind. Any physical activity can train your muscles, and that’s where yoga shines. But being mindful during yoga, as well as meditating, takes mental discipline.


Meditation, especially, demands that you apply yourself. Ignoring distractions, letting thoughts flow by, and making time to meditate all build discipline. Developing willpower and self-discipline is a benefit at work, too, as you commit yourself to tasks and projects.


Better Patience


Impatience can come from a well-intentioned place, but it’s not the most positive personality trait. The techniques you practice during yoga poses and sustained meditation can translate to the workplace in a positive way.


Controlled breathing is one example of a yoga/meditation skill that you can apply at work. Something as simple as breathing deeply may help avoid knee-jerk reactions to challenges and reduce conflict.


Everyday Health highlights additional benefits of breath work such as an improved immune response, decreased hypertension, and even better blood sugar control for people with diabetes. Patience is great for your team’s dynamics and supports good health.


Positive Mood Boosts


Taking care of your body and mind is an excellent way to put endorphins to work in your brain. Yoga and meditation create happy-brain chemicals the same way exercise, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones do.


However, research suggests that both grow new neurons and form “new connections between existing neurons.” Further, researchers suggest that yoga and meditation are safe preventative activities to ward off anxiety, among other health issues.


Team Bonding Potential


Not every professional team willingly enrolls in yoga together or practices meditation in the break room. But encouraging these activities at work could help your team bond and work better together.


Team building activities create a more cohesive team, connecting your people on a personal level. Incorporating yoga and meditation into that team building extends the benefits of both to your entire team while helping them bond.


Regular meditation practice and daily yoga sessions may not remedy all your professional challenges. However, adding both routines to your life and work is almost guaranteed to make a positive impact.


Conscious Living Physical Therapy offers a comprehensive set of interconnected holistic therapy systems, developed from a synthesis of ancient healing wisdom and modern science taking a holistic, intuitive, and spiritual approach to transformation. If you have any questions, we’re here to help!

Article Author: Brad Krause @ http://selfcaring.info